Wednesday, January 9, 2008

New Year's

Returned to my supply town for New Year's and met up with good friends from my days in language school. Was a great time!

Christmas in Jakarta

In the beginning of December, a malignant tumor was discovered in my mom's uterus. Fortunately she and my dad were in Singapore at the time, where medical facilities and staff are top-rate in the world. After an emergency hysterectomy, she was found to be cancer-free. Praise the Lord!!! However, this altered my parents' plans to visit me for Christmas, so instead I went to see them in Jakarta. Their "basement" (Taman Anggrek Mall) was decorated lik a winter wonderland, complete with carols and "snow" falling from the top floor. Fun! This is the only picture I have of us all from Christmas day. Dad had the flu bad, and we had one shot at a picture. Bad angle. Sorry!

Preparing for Christmas

Our team in our leader's house at camp

Monday, January 7, 2008

For Women Only

My mom stuck a book in my bag entitled, "For Women Only--What you need to know about the inner lives of men," by Shaunti Feldhahn. Although it is focused on married women, it solidified a few things in my mind as as a single woman. One example: I've always known I wouldn't want to marry a man I didn't respect, but now it's clear: If I get married I had better have LOADS of respect for my man. If being respected is so fundamental to his needs, it will be an uphill battle for me if I don't bein with an abudance of it.

An interesting read! I would recommend a look at it to any woman, especially if you're married. Shaunti claims it is for women only because "the other half of the people on the planet already know what you're going to read in this book." Apparently the men who have read the book are incredibly grateful she wrote it.

The end of the book had an excerpt from her previous book, The Lights of Tenth Street. I want to read it. An eye-opener to issues on which I am far too innocent. Check out You can check out her other books (For Younger Women Only--What a great resource for teens!!! I want to read it, too!), read "ask Eric" entries, and more.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

New Home (Dec 4, 2007)

Moving in day

Preparing to Move

We found a home in a village we fondly named "Ocean Park" for it's beautiful view. It needed some fixing up and expansion first, so the village set right to work on that project.
The enthusiasm of the Ocean Park kids never wears down. :)

It's a Jungle out there!

Animals, animals! It's crazy what makes it into the camp. Monkeys, mongoose, sickly kittens, snakes, water buffalo, goats, chickens, rats, and plenty of leeches to go around. On the road we've also seen an eagle, monitor lizards, and wild boar. That's about all I can think of at the moment. :)

Everybody has a water buffaloooooooooooooh! :)

Life at Camp (Nov 4 - Dec 4)

From my tent to the outhouses takes about 150 steps up a rocky path towards the mountain. Next time you need the bathroom, go outside and count out 150 steps. On your way back to the house, pray for good health for me--particularly my intestines. :) So far I have been blessed with good health.

Finally (Nov 4, 2007)

Ready to head out to my allocation! Flight leaves at a bright and early 6:30 am for the island. Preparing to land...