Sunday, May 3, 2009


Sorry if you wish I would post something other than clips from Streams in the Desert. I just can't help myself.
Do you know how to... pray prevailingly? Let sight give as discouraging reports as it may, but pay no attention to these. The Living God is still in the heavens and even to delay is part of his goodness.

- Arthur T. Pierson

It is nearly 3:30 a.m. The electric has been horrible lately. Apparently the island has 5 generators, and 4 are broken. To top things off, my computer battery is now non-existent. As soon as the electricity dies, my computer dies with it. What happens to a computer after many repeated, unexpected shutdowns? Anyway, I got up to go to the bathroom at 2:30 am, and since the electric was on, I plugged in the laptop to try and order a new computer battery, to be hand-carried here next week. Fortunately I succeeded. I think I am about to shut down my computer myself for the first time in a week (rather than having it die with the electric).

Good night, all.

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