Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What a way to launch the day

The safest place to be is in the center of God's will"
(Betsie ten Boom)

At 5:15 a.m. I was nearly thrown from my bed by a quake that lasted around a minute and gained strength over it's duration. The movement was jerky and sloppy, not like others I've felt here. I stayed in bed at first, thinking I would wait it out, but when the whole cabin started creaking and thrashing about, I tried to find my way out of my mosquito net. Once outside, the shaking finally subsided, and I heard my team leader calling role. Once all were accounted for, he shouted, "Get in the truck!" We fumbled around in the dark to grab a few belongings and clothing for the public. I could NOT find my pants, then could NOT find my shoes. Anyway, we managed to pile into the truck and head for the nearest hill (safety in case of tsunami). The whole village was out in the streets. After climbing up the hill in the dark and waiting in the dark, we decided at 6 am that it was safe to return home.

I wonder if our house in our new village is still standing--good test for quality! Our plan was to go tomorrow and dig holes for the septic system, but maybe we'll make an extra trip out today. Here at camp the heavy kitchen counter was overturned and food also fell out of the refrigerator, which was the extent of the damage. Oh yeah, and we'll need to fix our team leader's window... His wife was out of the house before he realized what was going on, and when he heard her voice outside he dove through the bedroom window--right through the screen. :)

1 comment:

Mandy Leigh said...

glad you and everyone else are safe! and, crazy about your team leader jumping through the window! i chuckled about that...was that bad? :)