Friday, August 13, 2010


I got stuck in Singapore for a while doing some processing and was able to be with the whole fam. A great blessing. While there, I did more reading than I have in a while. Here's what I've had my nose in lately, and highly recommend them all:

Can't wait to get back to Scribbling in the Sand. I picked it up at a conference where I saw Michael Card. He got put on hold while I borrowed a Henri Nouwen anthology: Beauty of the Beloved, which was excellent. After that I now know which Henri Nouwen book I want to read. And last week I started this 8-week prayer guide, based on Ignatius' "Spiritual Exercises." I am looking forward to the journey.

A great sermon of Henri Nouwen's on being the beloved. Read on if you are interested. I am trying to learn this lesson, to believe myself to be the beloved.
(disclaimer: markings on pages are not mine)

1 comment:

Kevin Giedd said...

SJ, next time you're in Singapore, try listening to Sea of Souls on the metro trains. In NYC I found it to be an experience that cannot be described, for it must be tasted. Be forewarned, your listening pleasure might be interrupted. "You stand beside a Sea of Souls..."