Saturday, October 1, 2011

Raw & Fresh

My entire Saturday afternoon dripped away on a raw milk hunt. My eyeballs and brain were swimming in online articles and videos on the subject (like the ones on mootoyou). Finally I tore myself away at 6:45, telling myself I really needed to get out of the house before such a beautiful day came to an end. I stole a glance at the next 3 verses in Mark to digest on my walk.

As I set off, I reviewed Mark 1 out loud, ending with the story of Jesus healing Simon's mother-in-law, which I wanted to process through. I stopped myself, remembering to pray first. I was surprised to hear in my prayer that my desire for Jesus was starting to sound like my new desire for milk! I have been overwhelmed by so many spiritual books to read and sermons to listen to. It is good, inspiring stuff! But there is no end to it all! And I am entering a phase where all I want is Jesus and His Word. His stories. Raw and fresh. Don't pasteurize or homogenize it, add vitamins to it, or do anything to it. Give it to me straight. All the nutrition I need is there for the taking. Just give me Jesus.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Just don't tell Big Dairy... ;-)