Wednesday, April 18, 2012


I'm learning to walk right. Literally. Starting last month I have been finding myself actually thinking about which side of the hall or stairwell I should be on before I run into people. For a full 8months back in the U.S. I was never conscious of walking on the "wrong" side in tight spaces unless I ran into someone. And it happened all the time! 10 months later, I am making a conscious effort to walk on the right side.
Maybe it will become unconscious at some point but apparently not yet––I bumped into someone again last week. Old habits die hard.

I loved playing with these flowers as a kid during Sunday School in Indonesia. We would make necklaces with them. Lots of thoughts of Indonesia lately, and how much it is a part of me. When I left last year, I knew I would want to come back eventually, and now Charis's engagement is pulling Indonesia quickly back into focus.

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