Tuesday, November 18, 2008

New Music

I borrowed a CD from a friend this week. The first time I listened to it, I thought it was fine, wasn’t sure if I would be crazy about it, but after the 2nd and 3rd time through, I am totally hooked. I can’t stop listening. I am always looking for scripture put to song, and that’s what Glory Revealed is. LOVE it.

Lately I have noticed that when it comes to new music/songs, I inevitably have to listen at least twice before I’m able to begin enjoying it. The first time through I can’t focus; I just get the gist of the music style and bits and pieces of the lyrics. The second time through I can focus more on lyrics and decide if I like the whole package. I enjoy music most when I can participate with it, so if it passes the 3rd time through, then it just gets better and better with each repetition.

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