Saturday, October 17, 2009

From KL

First of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my sister, CHARIS!

Secondly, isn't JD precious? Ok, so at 11 days old they're not exciting if you don't know them personally, so just take my word for it. :) I'm so glad to be here & holding the little guy and playing with his brother (I'll have to post pictures later--there are some on FB now).

Lastly here's a brief overview of my upcoming schedule: I'll start in Dallas for 1 day, fly to NC in order to drive to the farm in VA, might head to OH, then hang around NC (Boone and Charlotte areas) for a couple weeks, then GA and AL for my birthday. Up to IL for thanksgiving, then most of December in Orlando, and lastly, a few days in CA over New Year's on my way back out of the country. Track my trails on my blog and E-mail me if you want to try and meet up!


Becca said...

I want to see you. Let me know when you are in the Charlotte area. :)

Anonymous said...

Sarahjoy, there is some thing different about you. You have changed a lot. You have changed your dressing style, the way you speak.