Saturday, December 6, 2008

Birthdy Madness

So on November 21 I turned 31.

My teammate made me breakfast and then later on that morning my neighbors called me outside "for something." I was suspiscious, so just peeked out, and there they were, hiding what I knew was eggs in their hands and pockets. I stayed inside, knowing they would not dare pelt me indoors, but then my teammate pulled me out and they did not throw. They smashed. Fortunately no flour or soy sauce was involved. Even the grandmas were in on it. I knew exactly who perpetrated the event, though, and went straight after her. She hid inside my neighbor's house (who happens to be her sister), but eventually I got her (click here for video). All fun and games, even though it took 2 washes (by hand, mind you!) to get the smell out of my clothes.

I was whisked away to camp after that where a Chuckish day awaited me. Unfortunately, the satellite internet was not working at camp, which threw the whole day out of order. Apparently my parents were supposed to be in costume on video skype as "the generals" to give me my orders for the day. Our team has recently gotten into the NBC series, Chuck, so the role play for the day was that I was like Chuck and supposed to be having periodic "flashes" which would guide the activities of the day along until I solved the mystery of the day.

Unfortunately the broken internet put a real kink in everything. But we had a lovely dinner together that night at a place I had never been and it was divine--complete with new passports and new identities for the evening. :)

After stuffing myself to death, one of my favorite cakes was waiting for me back at camp.

Throughout the week my roommate baked all kinds of goodies, including these yummy cinnamon rolls. Did a little exploring as well. That was my birthday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOVED the egg video. I know i'm now a month too late but Happy Birthday Sarahjoy. X