Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Too Many Books, Too Little Time.

How many books do you juggle at one time? How often do you finish a book you started? I can't count all the books I have going at the moment. I want to finish them all! I can't stand to start something and not finish. Here's a list of what I'm currently working through:

* Revelations of a Single Woman--loving the life i didn't expect
(by Connally Gilliam)
* Up From Slavery (Booker T. Washington autobiography),
which is available to read online
* Streams in the Desert (L. B. Cowman)
* A manual and workbook written by a friend that I am hoping will help me figure out what my personal cultural values are by "revisiting" my childhood home. What things are unique to me/my family; why do I think and operate the way I do?
* When You Look Like Your Passport Photo It's Time to Go Home
(by Erma Bombeck)
* Fighting Angel (by Pearl Buck)

I'm quite sure I'm forgetting some. When I get home I'll see if there is something else sitting in the pile next to my bed. I am so slow! I mostly read in bed at night, and rarely make it past a couple pages before I’m falling asleep. There are so many other books I have begun but don't have a clue when I'll finish, and I don't know if I will! They don't belong in the list at the moment because I'm not carrying them around or keeping them by the bed--not that either of those qualifications means I am making any progress on a book. :)


Anonymous said...

I have to read one book at a time. Having one or two unopened books that I want to get to motivates me to get through the one I'm reading at the moment. I find that if I juggle multiple books, I almost never finish any of them.

JJ said...

I can relate! There are usually several books on my bedside table that I'm reading through simultaneously. I like being able to read in small "bites" and then give it time to digest before reading more. The exception would be novels and then I can read through it quickly. I recently finished Francine Rivers' thick historical novel A Voice in the Wind in 2 days.

In college I remember reading all of Robert Ludlum's books that were out there! This was before even the first one was made into a movie. Thanks for the info on that author and the background of making the movies. I enjoyed watching the movies but would rate the books higher.

My more "meaty" book list now contains the following:
Warren Wiersbee- On Being a Servant of God
Brother Yun- Living Water
Amy Carmichael- Edges of His Ways

I recently read a book I bought for my teenage children entitled Ask Me Anything (provocative answers for college students) by j. budziszewski which addresses many contemporary issues in a straight-forward manner.

On being a TCK I have read a couple of great books: Third Culture Kids by David Pollack & Ruth van Reken and Hidden Immigrants by Linda Bell.

I love reading and I, too, have quite a few un-read books on my shelf just waiting their turn... not to mention all the other books I don't yet own that I'd love to read some day.

Don't let anyone give you a hard time for your "pile of books" by the bedside. Keep on reading at your own pace with your own style!

SJ said...

Hey, I'm curious as to who JJ is? I don't know if you'll see this again, but I'm sorry I have no clue who you are?