Monday, August 17, 2009

Personal daze

I think I've mentioned before that I try to take a personal day each week--one where I get away by myself with some of my favorite items and just sit. Journal, take pictures, try to write a song, whatever. It's been more than a week since my last

personal day, and I'm not sure when I'll get my next one, but I think I'm ready.

On this particular day I read the story of Jonah, and when I read the end about his little vine that gives him shade, my little spot I had chosen of made me feel like I could have been Jonah. :)

Crabs crack me up! I know I am always posting pictures of them, but it is so amusing to me all the kinds of homes they come in. When I take time to be alone on the beach, no matter where I sit, the ground comes alive with little hermit crabs--crawling in my shoes (yes, they probably should be replaced), my camera case, and desperately trying to get away from my scrutiny....


P.S. Happy Independence Day to Indonesia, land of my birth!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Crabs are the cutest! When I was in Indo last, on the beach, I spent so much time watching crabs.