Monday, August 31, 2009

Electronics, The IT Crowd, and Mama Mia

I'm on a visa run. Laptop is in the shop. It miraculously came alive again after crashing a couple weeks ago, but just to be safe, I took it in to have a diagnostic run on it. As I backed up my data in the shop before turning it in, it ran slower, and slower, and slower. They are going to downgrade me to Windows XP, which should speed things up. I am excited! Gone are the days of vista. Apparently Singaporians downgrade to XP as soon as they buy a new computer, since Vista is the only thing available on new computers nowdays. My ipod was having issues, too, and the shop guy had it working in less than 2 seconds. Yay!!!

I am addicted to The IT Crowd. My rommate got me hooked. If you haven't ever watched any, check out this clip for starters. Ha ha! I love it. Jen has been hired by a flaky boss as manager of the IT department, knowing nothing about computers. The show is about her and the IT guys, them playing on her ignorance, and her dying social deaths with the geeky guys. British humor, so if you're not into that sort of thing, don't bother. I haven't ventured into season 3, as it looks to be a bit dodgy/raunchy. I am only recommending seasons 1 and 2. The episodes get funnier every time I repeat them.

Last night I watched Mama Mia. I felt like I needed a cleansing after watching it. The story line had potential, but Eeewwww! A bunch of old ladies trying to be cool. Who says old ladies aren't cool? Why try so very hard to act that way? Sorry if you loved it. I don't think I'll be watching it again. I wonder what the critics have said about it....

1 comment:

Travelin Fam said...

I watched that movie. It was sooooo bad. I kept wanting to turn it off but I felt 'invested'. Did you hear about the little boy who when he came out of a coma he started singing Mama Mia? J said "well at least we know why he went into a coma."