Uhhh... Thank you??? How do I respond to that??? Are you complimenting how I looked in the picture or complimenting the weight you think I've lost? I wasn't sure what to say. I just got a new passport in April or May. I said, "That picture was taken just a few months ago."
I still am not sure what I was supposed to understand from his observation, but in this country, there is definitely no point in being offended.
oh my goodness. Who says stuff like that? You're not fat either. goodness.
beautiful, SJ, thats the only word for you. xxx
Ha, gotta love 'em!
haha mommy maybe i shd explained here in this country fat is defined as gaining more weight..even though you're super skinny, and gained found pounds they'll say (you look fat)..whatever haha
secondly, maybe what this person was trying to say is 'you looked different'..:)
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