"...when God gives any man wealth and possessions, and enables him to enjoy them, to accept his lot and be happy in his work--this is a gift of God. He seldom reflects on the days of his life, because God keeps him occupied with gladness of heart."
I want to be occupied with gladness of heart! By the standards of my home country, my wealth and possessions are insignificant. Compared to the rich people of the world, I am a pauper! But weighed by the majority of the world, my wealth and possessions are abundant. My work encompasses my skills, abilities, and passions.
So why is my gladness of heart so often missing? I get so bogged down with trying to scrimp, save, and protect my wealth and possessions. I stress myself out trying to be responsible and achieve "perfection" with my work. But here Solomon exalts enjoying our wealth and possessions, and being happy with our work. May I do so with gladness of heart!
Hmmmm...I was just talking on the phone to my friend with the laptop on my lap and looking at that verse, and we were at that moment bemoaning our lack of spouse/house/job etc etc (she has a job and house but no spouse, i have none!). What does it mean if God doesn't give you those things?
just looked at yesterday's comment that i left...oh adrian sweet adrian...!!!! Sorry Sarahjoy! I need get my time occupied so less time for self reflection!!!!!!
This is so true and such a good reminder. Doing what you love IS the wealth!
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