Friday, November 27, 2009

Weeping Soul--Boone, Sweet Boone

I just completed my Boone blog from Nov 14:

Tomorrow I leave Boone. My soul (and body) wept as I stood on Howard's Knob Thursday night, listening to music and feeling utterly overwhelmed with emotion as I looked over the familiar hills and valley and city lights. I think maybe this is what Colleen is talking about when she says her soul aches over the beauty of a place. I didn't know I needed a cry. But thoughts and memories tsunami-ed over me, leaving my soul like a graveyard of incomplete thoughts and memories, barely able to save the life of a single thought. People in my life at ASU. The stark contrasts I experience in my life--from heat to freezing cold; from the turquoise ocean to the naked-tree-mountains; from hiking a mountain in Haiti for my water to water that comes at the flip of a wrist; from candle and kerosene lighting to light switches that always work. People in my life on the island. Questions about life for the next 6 months. Picturing the first Christmas on those hills (some Christmas songs popped up on my iPod). Longing to connect longer with people. Yearning for more of the mountains.... on and on it went. I think some walkers happened upon me at one point, frozen in their tracks at the dark figure convulsing in sobs and shivers. I prayed they would go away, and the 3rd time I peeked I didn't see their shadows. I felt despair that one week in Boone would simply not be enough. But I often hit a mid-time-panic-mode when I have a limited time somewhere. I think I will survive. :)

On Monday, Carol organized a get-together for me so I could see everyone at once (thanks!). 12 kids and 12 adults! Good times. I took a personal day on Tuesday, and it rained with the hurricane coming through. My good friend, Rachel, was going to come up on Wednesday (Veteran's Day), but cancelled, so I spent another rainy day inside, catching up on email.

I've been staying with Susan, my roommate from my 3rd year at ASU (left). It is lovely to be able to see her every evening and not be pressed for time. I didn't venture out again until Thursday afternoon, when I met up with Carol for more chat time.

Friday I hung out with Erin, Anna, and kids for most of the day. The sun came out again! Then I drove around for a while and ended up at the cabin where Erin & Danny used to live (as did Anna & David) and sat on the porch playing my guitar until my fingers froze with the setting sun.

I got to hang out with Erin and family again because I left something at their house and went back Saturday to retrieve it, staying for several hours. Their home with 5 boys (ages 3-9) oozes with love, peace, and respect. It is such a refreshing, hopeful, and stimulating home to be in.

After ABF tomorrow the journey continues...
Tennessee is next, with MarySue.

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