Tuesday, December 8, 2009

JE, JD and family

After visiting family in IL, I flew back to Atlanta, picked up the car, and went to see JE & family, who had just arrived in the U.S. the week before. It was so lovely to see them again! Little JD has grown a lot since I saw him during week 2 of post-utero life. It was JD's 2-month marker as well as Tracy & Matt's 6-yr anniversary the day I spent with them. I have no pictures. :(

In 24 hours I managed to meet all of Tracy's side of the family--mom, dad, 2 brothers, 1 sister, 1 sister-in-law, 2 nephews and 4 nieces! I think grandma and grandpa were just across the street but I didn't meet them. Was very sad leaving them, knowing that I won't be seeing them back on the island. While playing under the Christmas tree, JE told me "SJ, you'we my best fwiend." On the island he had started saying to me, SJ, I'm you're best fwiend. I never could get him to say it the other way around. It was hard to think that was probably the last time I'll hear him say that to me. He'll be all grown up next time we meet, and his life will have moved on. * sniff sniff *

1 comment:

Julia said...

You are so well travelled!!!! Is there any corner of the States you haven't visited??!! Amazing.